20 Of The Greatest Basslines Of All Time

By George KatsanosContributing Author

Article photo - 20 Of The Greatest Basslines Of All Time

MUSICnGEAR presents to you: "20 οf The Greatest Basslines of all Time". This list could have had hundreds more great basslines, but as can someone understand, including all these basslines in a list, is an impossible task. The list is not in hierarchical order. Enjoy listening!

1. American Life - Primus

2. Wrathchild - Iron Maiden

3. Billie Jean - Michael Jackson

4. Walk On The Wild Side - Lou Reed

5. Cannonball - The Breeders

6. Evil - Interpol

7. Orion - Metallica

8. Money - Pink Floyd

9. YYZ - Rush

10. Under Pressure - Queen & David Bowie

11. The Magnificent Seven - The Clash

12. My Generation - The Who

13. Give It Away - Red Hot Chili Peppers

14. The Lemon Song - Led Zeppelin

15. Come Together - The Beatles

16. Schism - Tool

17. Yes - Roundabout 

18. Another One Bites The Dust - Queen

19. Dazed And Confused - Led Zeppelin

20. Peace Sells - Megadeth


Do you agree with this list? What are your favorite basslines? Let us know in the comments below!

About George Katsanos

George is the bassist of Mobvibe and a avid fan of Rock music and Fender Telecasters. When not practicing his bass lines he is busy writing code for web applications.

Contact George Katsanos at georgekatsanos@musicngear.com

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