Harley Benton präsentiert Double Cut Guitars DC-Junior TV Yellow. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach electric guitars oder guitars and basses im Allgemeinen sind, dann kann dies eine passende Wahl sein. Stellen Sie sicher die reviews zu überprüfen, sondern vor allem den roten Knopf drücken, um zu sehen ob es Ihren Musikgeschmack passt.
Chris Roditis took the WHATISGOODFORME test and scored a 88% match with DC-Junior TV Yellow
88% match
Chris likes Indie Rock, Synthpop and New Wave
Ist es gut für mich?

Join the Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow Fans Community

Use the tabs below to see what music people who love this gear like, explore its tech specs and read reviews by other members. Stay tuned, more community features are coming up!

Music taste profile of people who like this gear

Our latest analysis of the music taste of people who like "DC-Junior TV Yellow" shows that it is mostly liked by people who listen to classic rock, metal oder alternative rock and are fans of Guns N' Roses, Black Sabbath oder AC/DC.

User data for this research, chart data and conclusions reviewed by the MusicNGear Editorial team

Fans of Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow by artist

Fans by artist
Guns N' Roses146Guns N' Roses: 146 fans
Black Sabbath99Black Sabbath: 99 fans
AC/DC90AC/DC: 90 fans
Queen81Queen: 81 fans
Nirvana72Nirvana: 72 fans
Metallica72Metallica: 72 fans
The Rolling Stones65The Rolling Stones: 65 fans
Stevie Ray Vaughan65Stevie Ray Vaughan: 65 fans
Iron Maiden63Iron Maiden: 63 fans
Megadeth54Megadeth: 54 fans

Fans of Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow by genre

Fans by genre
Classic rock445Classic rock: 445 fans
Metal299Metal: 299 fans
Alternative rock281Alternative rock: 281 fans
Blues274Blues: 274 fans
Pop189Pop: 189 fans

Fans of Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow by age

Fans by age
18 to 2414618 to 24: 146 fans
55 and above13755 and above: 137 fans
17 and below11717 and below: 117 fans
45 to 548345 to 54: 83 fans
35 to 443635 to 44: 36 fans
25 to 342925 to 34: 29 fans

Fans of Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow by country

Fans by country
Greece63Greece: 63 fans
Spain54Spain: 54 fans
United States47United States: 47 fans
United Kingdom40United Kingdom: 40 fans
Italy36Italy: 36 fans
Sweden27Sweden: 27 fans
Germany27Germany: 27 fans
Romania27Romania: 27 fans
Portugal27Portugal: 27 fans
Netherlands18Netherlands: 18 fans
Denmark18Denmark: 18 fans
Finland18Finland: 18 fans
Hungary18Hungary: 18 fans
Ireland18Ireland: 18 fans
Croatia11Croatia: 11 fans
Pakistan9Pakistan: 9 fans
Canada9Canada: 9 fans
Czechia9Czechia: 9 fans
Singapore9Singapore: 9 fans
India9India: 9 fans
Belgium9Belgium: 9 fans
Austria9Austria: 9 fans
France9France: 9 fans
Turkey9Turkey: 9 fans
Switzerland9Switzerland: 9 fans
Poland9Poland: 9 fans

Fans of Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow by gender

Fans by gender
Male467Male: 467 fans
Female81Female: 81 fans

Fans of Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow by type of use

Fans by type of use
type of useFans
non-professional use292non-professional use: 292 fans
professional use256professional use: 256 fans

Fans of Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow by ownership

Fans by ownership
got it72got it: 72 fans
want it386want it: 386 fans

If you're out shopping for double cut guitars and you really want to see if "Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow" is a fitting choice for you, then take the "Goodforme" test for a more personalized result.


How does the Goodforme test work?

We have collected data (music preferences, personality traits and demographics) by people who took the Goodforme Test for "DC-Junior TV Yellow" and relevant gear by Harley Benton, in "Double Cut Guitars" or related categories and together with the tech specs of products in our database we feed it into our state-of-the-art recommendation engine. A sample of the data we are using to generate the results for the Goodforme Test, reports and visualizations for this gear can be found below.

For the scientific approach behind our collaborative and content-based filtering algorithms used in our hybrid recommender system please consult [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] and [6]

Latest test results

A fan of Gary Clark Jr. matches 58% with Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow or a relevant item

A male fan of Gary Clark Jr., The Rolling Stones, Deep Purple, Tom Waits, Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, Stevie Ray Vaughan, David Bowie and Classic rock, Blues , aged 55 y.o. or older from United Kingdom took the "Goodforme" test for Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow 1 Jahr 9 Monate ago and scored 58%

A fan of Foo Fighters matches 38% with Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow or a relevant item

A male fan of Foo Fighters, Nine Inch Nails, Alice In Chains and Alternative rock , aged 45-54 y.o. from United States took the "Goodforme" test for Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow 2 Jahre 5 Monate ago and scored 38%

A fan of Mötley Crüe matches 46% with Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow or a relevant item

A male fan of Mötley Crüe, Guns N' Roses and Classic rock, Metal, Electronic , aged 18-24 y.o. from United Kingdom took the "Goodforme" test for Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow 2 Jahre 11 Monate ago and scored 46%

A fan of The Black Keys matches 35% with Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow or a relevant item

A male fan of The Black Keys and Blues , aged 25-34 y.o. from Croatia took the "Goodforme" test for Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow 3 Jahre 2 Monate ago and scored 35%

A fan of Queen matches 37% with Harley Benton DC-600 VI Vintage Series or a relevant item

A male fan of Queen, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Guns N' Roses, Jimmy Page, David Bowie and Classic rock , aged 55 y.o. or older from Germany took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 1 Jahr 10 Monate ago and scored 37%

A fan of The Who matches 51% with Harley Benton DC-Custom Cherry or a relevant item

A male fan of The Who, AC/DC, The Black Keys, Muddy Waters, Bob Marley, Jimmy Page and Classic rock, Metal, Blues, Reggae , aged 45-54 y.o. from Ireland took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 1 Jahr 10 Monate ago and scored 51%

A fan of Led Zeppelin matches 54% with Harley Benton DC-Custom Cherry or a relevant item

A male fan of Led Zeppelin, The Smashing Pumpkins, U2, Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, Manu Chao, Bob Marley and The Wailers and Pop, Classic rock, Alternative rock, Blues, Reggae , aged 45-54 y.o. from Italy took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 1 Jahr 10 Monate ago and scored 54%

A fan of Herbie Hancock matches 35% with Harley Benton DC-580 CH Vintage Serie Bundle or a relevant item

A male fan of Herbie Hancock, Muddy Waters, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Pop, Alternative rock, Jazz, Blues, Dance , aged 55 y.o. or older from Germany took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 1 Jahr 11 Monate ago and scored 35%

A fan of Eric Clapton matches 42% with Harley Benton XT-22 Black Cherry Flame or a relevant item

A male fan of Eric Clapton, John Lee Hooker, Robert Johnson, David Bowie and Classic rock, Blues , aged 55 y.o. or older from Spain took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 1 Jahr 11 Monate ago and scored 42%

A fan of Jimmy Page matches 35% with Harley Benton DC-Custom Cherry or a relevant item

A male fan of Jimmy Page, David Bowie and Pop, Classic rock , aged 55 y.o. or older from Portugal took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 1 Jahr 11 Monate ago and scored 35%

A fan of Blink-182 matches 28% with Harley Benton DC-600 VI Vintage Series or a relevant item

A male fan of Blink-182, The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Pop, Classic rock, Alternative rock , aged 18-24 y.o. from Portugal took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 1 Jahr 11 Monate ago and scored 28%

A fan of Queen matches 99% with Harley Benton DC-LTD Gotoh Daph. Blue Bundle or a relevant item

A male fan of Queen, R.E.M., Metallica, Guns N' Roses and Pop, Classic rock, Alternative rock, Metal , aged 55 y.o. or older from Finland took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 1 Jahr 12 Monate ago and scored 99%

A fan of Black Sabbath matches 17% with Harley Benton DC-200 BK Student Serie Bundle or a relevant item

A male fan of Black Sabbath, Billie Holiday and Alternative rock, Metal, Jazz , aged 35-44 y.o. from United Kingdom took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 2 Jahre 1 Woche ago and scored 17%

A fan of The Rolling Stones matches 35% with Harley Benton XT-22 Black Cherry Flame or a relevant item

A male fan of The Rolling Stones and Classic rock , aged 18-24 y.o. from Spain took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 2 Jahre 1 Woche ago and scored 35%

A fan of Madonna matches 34% with Harley Benton DC-200 BK Student Serie Bundle or a relevant item

A female fan of Madonna, The Beatles, Nine Inch Nails, Slipknot, Guns N' Roses and Pop, Classic rock, Alternative rock, Metal, Dance, Electronic , aged 18-24 y.o. from United Kingdom took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 2 Jahre 3 Wochen ago and scored 34%

A fan of The Who matches 31% with Harley Benton DC-600 VI Vintage Series or a relevant item

A male fan of The Who, John Coltrane, Charles Mingus, Howlin' Wolf, Stevie Ray Vaughan, David Bowie and Pop, Classic rock, Jazz, Blues , aged 18-24 y.o. from Hungary took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 2 Jahre 3 Wochen ago and scored 31%

A fan of Gary Clark Jr. matches 46% with Harley Benton XT-22 Black Cherry Flame or a relevant item

A male fan of Gary Clark Jr., The Who, Black Sabbath and Classic rock, Metal, Jazz, Blues , aged 55 y.o. or older from United States took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 2 Jahre 1 Monat ago and scored 46%

A fan of Lady Gaga matches 27% with Harley Benton DC-600 VI Vintage Series or a relevant item

A male fan of Lady Gaga, Nina Simone, Howlin' Wolf and Pop, Country, Jazz, Blues , aged 45-54 y.o. from Switzerland took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 2 Jahre 1 Monat ago and scored 27%

A fan of AC/DC matches 99% with Harley Benton DC-DLX Gotoh Daphne Blue or a relevant item

A male fan of AC/DC, Nirvana, Guns N' Roses, Eric Clapton, B.B. King, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Classic rock, Alternative rock, Blues , aged 35-44 y.o. from Spain took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 2 Jahre 1 Monat ago and scored 99%

A fan of Gary Clark Jr. matches 66% with Harley Benton XT-22 Paradise Flame or a relevant item

A male fan of Gary Clark Jr., Queen, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Motörhead, Guns N' Roses, The Black Keys, John Lee Hooker and Classic rock, Alternative rock, Metal, Blues , aged 45-54 y.o. from Romania took the "Goodforme" test for a relevant item by Harley Benton in the Double Cut Guitars category 2 Jahre 2 Monate ago and scored 66%

What do people like about DC-Junior TV Yellow?

We asked people who took the Goodforme test what their opinion about Harley Benton DC-Junior TV Yellow is
and this is what they had to say
  • "Shape, colour, stats."

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